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A "social-benefit" organization:  invested in social change

Located at 103 10029 97th Avenue in Grande Prairie
Come to the side double glass doors!
Parking available across the street

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Invested in Social Change

Volunteer, Participate, or Donate

Hearth Social Profit Company

HeARTh Social Profit Company

Creating social opportunities, skill building, and work readiness through social enterprise, safe spaces and community programs for people experiencing barriers to inclusion.


Office hours: 9:30-4:30 Monday through Friday


103 10029 97th Avenue, Grande Prairie, Alberta

Program Hours: 9:30-4:30 Tuesday through Friday

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HeARTh Social Enterprises

Creating training, work experience, through social enterprise for inclusive and flexible employment opportunities for people experiencing barriers.


Check back, and stay tuned as we develop more offerings!


~Café with mobile coffee breaks, Catering, and A "Home Cooked" Meal Service are in the works~

~ Also an Upcycle club is starting on Friday mornings to work into a thrift store~

~Events bookings and online purchases will provide more employment opportunities!



HeARTh Social Enterprises

Don't change so people will like you, be yourself and the right people will love you, the real you.

BE Interactive Club

Introduction to B.E. Club

While we create the buzz and maybe find ways to fund it, come and enjoy our activities at no or low cost  B.E. engaged!

Open to everyone 18 and up

Kids and teens options will be consdered- contact us! Scroll to the bottom of the page to use the contact form for your questions/requests

Current and upcoming :


-9:30 to 11:30 am DBE  (fees apply and requires sign up)     

  Dialectical B.E.havioural Education!

Gaining foundations in emotion management

-Noon to 1:00 pm- Bag Lunch Social (free)

     Lunch Cafe on the way, with Pop Up Lunches in the works, stay tuned! ($5 to$10)

-1 pm to 3:30 pm Music n Movement (free)

  B.E. Expressive!



- am TBA- Employment Club is in the works:  B.E. Joyfully Employable! (details to come)

-1:00 to 3:30 pm  Kuriosity Korner- ($5 art charge may apply)

   B.E. Artsy and Fartsy!



-11:00 am to noon  Financial Literacy ($5  drop in charge)

-Noon to 1:00 pm  Bag Lunch Social

-1:00 - 3:30 pm  Karaoke: ($3 drop in fee)

  B.E Entertaining!



-10:00 am   Upcycle Club

   B.E. Thrifty!

-If there is interest: 1:00-3:30 pm Drop in Games/Socializing Bring a lunch at noon and stay to socialize! (free) (Cafe pop up lunches coming soon! -not free)

B.E. Social!


In the works, stay tuned-

Friday and Saturday Nights:

-HeARThbeat Sober Social Hall

   No alcohol social club, fun, food, and friends- perfect for people in recovery!

  Themed dances

      B.E. Safe and Joyful!


First Dance is Happening:

  Friday, May 28  Spring Dance! Dress your favourite decade! (or just come as you are)

   B.E. there or be square!

$ 5 per person

Canteen  available for purchasing treats

DJ'd by FLIP Entertainment!


I-Land Flavas Authentic Jamaican Food on site, open til 9 -available for purchase


ART Nights and other workshops:

First Art Night coming soon!

  $30 to $50 per person

Includes supplies, facilitator and refreshments!

B.E. your own ARTist... or Crafter, or Dancer, or Singer, or Slam Poet!




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IN the Works!

Employment Development- a graduated program to help you figure out what you want to do, get ready to do it, and make it happen in employment!
Life-skills Basic and Advanced- two different sessions for different levels of ability and interest.

Let us know which ones you are interested in. We will send you sign up and payment links.

Membership has it's benefits: B.E. 
Total cost for all listed activities:   Could be 340 plus per month.  
We are offering a six to twelve month B.E. Club membership for 120 per month to access all of our B.E. Club activities.  You will receive a membership number that you can use to register for the activities you want!

We will accept private funds, Bulk agency service agreements, sponsorships, etc. 
We can also take help for trade- if you or your support worker can help us with something to help keep our costs for the courses down, we can reduce your payment. We can set up an auto withdrawal or monthly purchase on your credit card. Or you can pay for your membership all at once. 

New course prices and details will be provided as these become available. 
PLEASE talk to us about the opportunities and let us help you build your program at B.E. University!


Fancy Coffee


Nimby 101 Cafe

Healthy Eats, Hot & Cool Treats

NIMBY CAFE:  B.E. Delicious

IN the works: DElicious and mostly healthy

Future offerings in development:  B.E. in the Loop!
 Learning kitchen, meal order service, Thrift Store, Trauma management course 
Prices and course details will be provided as these become available. 


Bread and Salad

P.D.D Services

HeARTh is contracted for these services through Community and Social Services Disability Services Northwest Region. If you are interested in exploring HeARTh as your service provider, you need to go through your Regional Disability Services office. 

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Rental Spaces

Due to the ongoing Pandemic, these offerings may flex with imposed restrictions. 
BUT we do have space for socially distanced meetings and gatherings! 
Call us to talk about options:

Our approved commercial kitchen can also offer caterin

Class Room:

For meetings, paint/craft nights, workshops, classes, yoga.. Non-profit Rate– 100 per day, 150 if using kitchen, 50 for half day or evening, 75 if using kitchen. —30 X 36 foot space. Refundable cleaning and key deposit:  $30.Accommodates up to 30 people Access to Kitchen, 2 bathrooms– not wheel chair accessible. A.V. available—Rates to be negotiated. 


We can provide catering from our commercial kitchen!- rates to be negotiated.


Ball Room:

Large workshop or event space. Non-Profit Rate (provide proof)- 350 for a full day (over 4 hours,) 200 for half day or evening- 4 hours . Private rate: 400 for a full day. 250 for half day or evening.


Year round availability- bring your own food, or talk to us about catering , Amenities included: commercial kitchen, reception area and two bathrooms available, wheelchair accessible.  


Refundable cleaning and key deposit: 50. Refunded to you if you leave it as good as you found it. Rates do not include GST- Capacity: 80 to 100  people. Social Distancing capacity: up to 50 people depending on seating. 


Sound equipment, A.V. and lights available– Rates to be negotiated.

Yoga at Home

HeARTh Body and Soul Wellness

Stay tuned for updates: We are creating a wellness center and a line of HeARTh and DMG self-care products!


Individual consultations, family or group sessions, aromatherapy services, workshops, products and more!


Due to Co-vid 19-  limited group sizes, cohort groups, and online options will be available. All preparation and packaging of products will be done in an approved environment with safety and sanitation protocols in place



White Cake

Event Planning

Due to Co-vid 19, these offerings will be limited, call us to talk about options

Event Planning: Talk to us about booking:

  • Children's themed or activity birthday parties.

  • Special occasion or themed parties

  • Celebrations or memorials

  • Receptions (Small to Medium


We offer reasonable prices, in a space to fit your needs and accommodate physical distancing, with year round availability. A perfect setting for anything from casual to fancy.


Either do it yourself with help or we offer a full service set up.


From 10 to 75  people. booking 4 to 6 weeks in advance, non-refundable deposit required. 


Call 780-978-4561 for more information about packages and to get your event booked!

We have a few participants that want to keep busy. Do you have any errands? Reasonable rates go towards paying our peeps a little spending money, and gas money to have staff drive around town. Ideas of errands: -kid forgot their lunch? we can deliver it. -need some milk and a few other things from the store? we can get it for you. -bottles building up? we can take those in! (no need to pay for gas we will just add the bottle money towards gas fund) -need a document signed and hand delivered? we can do that. -pick up dry cleaning, etc.!

Contact Us
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