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DMG (Do More Good) Social Benefit Housing and Community Development Corporation

Emerged as the next steps stemming from the work of the Momentum Project.    (A research and development project to explore innovative solutions to homelessness and demonstrated the need for a holistic, multi-sectored, multi-faceted approach to doing community differently in order to mitigate the core social and economic issues leading to the homelessness cycle)                   

We are a non-profit organization that will soon be set up as a charity. Our purpose is to create sustainable ways of:

  • developing affordable housing options that fit with current and emerging needs

  • assisting communities in developing collective impact systems that provide for the success and well-being of all community members and sectors and help them work together to help things work better

  • purchasing and running a hotel as an initial "backbone business" producing revenues and connections for further activities and collaboration, while it also helps a few barriered individuals get back on their feet and onto pathways toward integration and success (a microcosm of what we hope to achieve over the next 5 to 10 years)

  • initiating and participating in a Social Benefit Co-operative to help grow sustainable economic opportunities to support communities in caring for their own

  • working with multiple sectors to gather and apply resources to the work we do and the collective vision we create together


Vision: Safe, healthy, caring communities working collectively across sectors to discover new and grow existing resources, for maximum effect, in support of healing, empowerment, contribution, realized potential, and thrive-ability for all citizens.


Mission: To ignite and empower individuals, organizations, communities, and governments to become active participants in their own solutions through the promotion and use of best practices, innovation, resource development, systems thinking and collective action.


Mandate: Develop a sustainable system of resource generation to sustainably assist communities in becoming aligned communities of care, by providing self-sustaining, safe, appropriate housing, with capacity building and self-reliance engagement opportunities. Support the multi-sector development of an integrated community culture that recognizes the value, potential, and accountability of every member and entity, and provides collectively resourced and supported pathways to mutual success from crisis to thrive-ability.


Guiding Values: Love, integrity, respect, mutual accountability, connection, courage, balance, potential, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability




HeARTh Social Profit Company (Incorporated) 

Emerged in 2014 from a need for community and residential support for individuals with complex needs, experiencing barriers to inclusion.                   


We are a "social profit" business that exists to fill important gaps in community care in the Grande Prairie Area. We hope to expand into other areas of the province. 

  •  We have developed a model of care based on

    • Aboriginal teachings,

    • the Medicine Wheel,

    • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

    • A philosophy of outward accountability, self-reliance and sustainability.

  • We have a way of operating and a delivery system that gets people out of current and limiting boxes to discover new possibilities in the ART of “being.” 

  • We have developed an inclusive community center to house programs for social, skill, and network development

  • We are developing social enterprise to:

    • provide work experience and employment opportunities for individuals experiencing barriers in the workplace​

    • be a flexible, trauma informed employer for individuals who need a nurturing workplace experience

    • create sustainable revenues to keep our center viable, and grow our program​

Vision: An integrated circle of care that sees people as people with positive contributions to make in their communities


Mission: To provide resources, assistance and pathways to empower participants to find their center integrate into their community, and walk in a good wayTo support people to hear each other, live heart to heart, care for and connect with Mother Earth.To circle around participant with empathy, acceptance, love and family through the "ART of BEing."


Mandate:  A person-centred, empowering, holistic, sustainable and effective community care framework that allows participants to achieve wellness goals and develop or maintain well-being, dignity, satisfaction and “thriveability.” 


We want to empower, inspire, and flex with the growth and forward movement of our participants in meeting their needs, achieving their goals, and supporting them in developing as much independence as possible.


Guiding Values: Honesty, integrity, compassion, accountability, inclusion, strengths-based, abundance mentality, love, family, work/life balance, self-reliance, tolerance, wellness, walking in a good way. 



Guiding Principles or Ways of Being: 


  • every person has value, the right to feel safe, the potential to thrive and contribute, as well as the responsibility to do so; and our role as a society is to provide the space, support, opportunities, and resources required for this. 

  • renewable and sustainable practices- in spaces and facilities, energy use and production, food security, social supports, health and well-being, economic, governance 

  • environmental responsibility and protection- physical and social

  • where you live is a foundation for everything else in your life: home (and community) as a sacred space

  • holistic and integrated view of individual, organizations, community, region, province, country, world

  • cultural and traditional values, teachings, and practice

  • sustainability in policy and practice

  • systems thinking for best practices and to support social change

  • universal principles and practices apply to all levels from individual to global

  • recognizing, supporting and realizing human potential

  • core, sustainable solutions versus band-aid fixes, 

  • build capacity for ourselves and those we serve,

  • situational leadership as a practice- being prepared to lead and follow as required

  • support individual and community self-reliance                

  • be willing to make ourselves redundant in any particular area while working toward and investing in next steps

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